Google News

Register for a website with Google News 2022

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Register for a website with Google News 2022, increase traffic, create a reputable source of information.

Currently, Google News will proactively screen for quality websites, authority, and rich content stream to meet strict standards to become a source of information.

And this is Google’s latest announcement for this issue “Publishers do not need to send their site to be eligible to use the website and the Google news app. The publisher is automatically considered to include the top article or the search engine news card. They just need to create high quality content and comply with the content policy of Google news ” – you can see it at Google’s support page.

Google News

But that doesn’t mean that you have no other way to bring the website to Google News. Follow the instructions from the technical team of Fame media.

But first clarify a few issues before you decide “whether to join this playground or not”.

What is Google News?

Google News , this is a news site of news from the sources of news, newspapers, and large blogs. The content from these websites will be automatically updated by Google to Google’s homepage and displayed with users when they access to search for information.

If you notice, you can see how Google news publishes content that is quite similar to some general news sites in Vietnam such as: New Newspaper, 24h, CafeF, Capital Entrepreneur …

The contents published on general news sites will not be the origin, the original content will be built by another newspaper, the general news sites only have the task of summarizing articles and posting. Reload on their website. Of course, in order to do this, they must be licensed by official newspapers.

The general news sites are not newspapers, they are not granted the right to build the content but the articles in which are only cited from another competent newspaper. Regarding the structure, functions and duties of the general news site, you can refer to the rules related to the Vietnam Press Law.

In fact, the general news sites will be the “extended arm of the press” with the most “hottest” news synthesis function and update information to readers.

The biggest difference between Google News Publisher and the news sites is that Google does not need to register with any press agency, even large newspapers want to become a source of information and content soon. Appeared on Google News. By…

  • Increase huge traffic from users on Google to their newspaper page. With more than 6 billion clicks per month, Google News becomes a huge source of traffic distribution that any publisher wants.

  • Help the content is indexed quickly, increasing the first visibility for readers with topical content.

  • Protect your content, avoid losing copyright.

  • Increase the ranking for the website.

  • Becoming a prestigious publisher, competent authority to display content on SERPS.

  • Create a backlink amount from the highest quality source.

Therefore, becoming a source of news google news is always a goal that content publishers such as news site, specialized blog want.

But to become a reliable and competent assessment source, rich content is not simple. You must ensure the following factors …

Request to become a source of Google News.

Do not be confused, its name is Google News – but it is not only for press sites but it can also publish the contents of reputable specialized websites or different blog sites.

Your website does not necessarily have to be in a news style, but if you regularly post reliable information you will probably “catch the eye” of Google News and be chosen as a source of information on it.

But to do so, your website must ensure the minimum and very important criteria listed below.

The content must be the original content.

What is the original content? It is the content published by you, not copied anywhere on the internet.

Do not think that you use the content to build content skillfully that Google does not detect your plagiarism. If you use the content of others it will be a form of copyright theft, theft of intellectual property of others, and Google does not like this.

Google does not like “disturbed content”, which is the first principle if you want to become a source on Google News.

Publish the article on a regular basis.

At least, there are always two new posts posted every day on the website. Google does not accept websites with low content and low quality points.

One of the factors is to ensure the news page, your blog is always refreshed in terms of content, updated with the latest news every day.

Content must be competent

The authority here is quite general. It can be understood that if it is a news page, the press must be authorized to publish the content. Because Google News is a reputable source of information, it will not want to post, navigate users to fraud, no authority.

This is to bring users the most accurate information when today, the problem of fake sources, false information is raging on the internet.

But that is with the news site licensed by the State, but with personal blogs?

A competent and prestigious personal blog will also be approved on Google News.

If you prove that you are a reliable publisher, meeting the minimum criteria of a reputable publisher, you will have a chance. By verifying the content or prestige of the author, Google can trust your blog.

Tip: Building an in -depth blog on a topic is the simplest way to help you have the opportunity to become a source on Google New. Always put the author box for each different content if there are many different authors.

Do not violate the content principles of Google News.

Note: The website content must always be consistent, both in topic and article, revealing that Google does not like green content, it will limit the website registration with Google.

The article should be standard SEO.

The title must be accurately conveyed to the topic of the content, the article has a clear layout with the title cards properly arranged scientifically will help Google classify more easily, increase the ability to find Read for readers.

Do not violate Google’s publishing policies.

There are publishing policies that are strictly banned by Google, if you have published such content before, remove them.

If you know about the potential of Google news and want to become a content publisher on it, build good, clean content, do not violate policies from Google from the beginning.

3 important steps to help the website become the source of Google news.

In addition to the most important issue, the content must be “original”, with the nature of construction, always updated regularly daily (the newness of the content is always guaranteed) … Other websites you have to meet before being reviewed.

Provide a separate sitemap for Google news.

Sitemap is the map of the website, it will show the search engine about the diagram and the main structure of your website.

However, unlike conventional sitemap, Google news needs a separate type of sitemap. Google News does not require this, but it will increase the chance for your content to collect data faster and better.

The purpose of sitemap is to collect and display the latest content that has been updated to the daily website, hours on Google News. It is an automatic RSS form that Google news requires your website to be guaranteed.

All data will be automatically taken by Google by connecting Google news and Google Search Console (in step 3 instructions Google News require connection with Google Search Console).

To create a site for Google news, you can install a specialized plugin in charge of this is XML Sitemap & Google News.

After installing, access the plugin and proceed to turn on the website diagram for Google news.

Some SEO support plugins such as SEO Yoast or Rank Math also have a system of website diagrams, you can also take advantage of them to help the first registration for the website with Google News to take place quickly.

After creating a sitemap for Google News, visit Google Search Console and add a sitemap for Google news.

Tip: Install the Sitemap plugin for Google News to support the standard and valid Google registration process, but SEO plugins have available sitemap formats for WordPress websites, and they often cannot simultaneously . There are many website map formats.

After successful registration with Google News, you can turn off or delete the XML Sitemap & Google News plugin. This is to avoid conflicts on SERP when a website has two website diagrams. Google news can still update content through conventional sitemap.

Always standard format for content.

News news sites will have more opportunities to become a source from Google News than regular blogs because …

  • The content is always refreshed regularly daily, for hours.

  • The content is topical, attractive, bringing new characteristics to readers.

  • Stable traffic …

However, it does not mean that personal blogs cannot become sources on Google News. The evidence is that for Fame Media, we are also a reputable source of information rated and evaluated.

By keeping a stable, rich writing style on a unique topic in life, your website can completely be selected.

More importantly, your article must always keep the SEO standard format and not publish thin content …

  • The title of the cell is always clear, always accompanied by a main keyword.

  • The content must be of a construction nature, not allowed to be related to the banned contents.

  • The layout is clearly presented, standardized SEO with the insertion of methods of heading, professional, good internal link, quality link ….

  • Always accompanied by visual images, clear images, citing images if needed …

  • Never forget the description card (meta description), the card is always uniform with the keywords in the title.

  • URLs are always friendly, short, and easy to read.

  • ….

By building consistent and high -quality content, you can increase the possibility of the management team approving the news to become a source.

Always try to make your website and website interface most attractive to Google news.

Provide contact information, copyright and other policies clearly.

Through providing information about the author, managers, user privacy policies and other policies (such as the policy of eliminating responsibility) the website has more opportunities when registering to become the source above. Google News.

Create pages (or articles) about: Introduction, information security, exclusion policies, usage terms, contact information placed under the website of the website like Fame Media and other blog sites.

Summary of content.

Being a source of news on Google News is one of the goals of all journalism, news, blog websites. Must undergo strict evaluation processes directly by your Google website’s review team to have the opportunity to rank on it.

To be able to register successfully, always comply with Google News policies, and remember …

Building website content has a construction, unique and high quality.

Content needs to be refreshed daily.

Always make sure the website has contact pages, introduction and general policies.

There is a clear website diagram.

Create Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts for the website.

Do not violate the policies of the Google news publishing center.

By meeting the minimum criteria from Google News, you will increase the chance of being comparable in a team of reputable sources such as big newspapers: labor, cafeF, legal life …

This will enhance the position of your business website, get the most prestigious backlink source, increase the ability to index quickly and equally important that it will get a large amount of traffic through Google News.

Google News registration service

If you register Google News difficult and unsuccessful. Then contact us immediately to register faster:

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